Friday, May 13, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 9

In this course, I learned how to perfect my writing. I learned my flaws and how I could fix them. I did not like the book assignments honestly. By the time the AP Test came along, I was fully prepared by my teacher but I still was not confident. This course was very beneficial to anyone prepping to take the AP exam. I would honestly take it again if I had the chance.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

ACT Aftermath

After the ACT, I felt disappointed in myself. I felt as if I did not prepare myself to the fullest extent. I also feel that B.C. Rain did not prepare us in the best way possible. For example, last year they prepped the juniors the whole preceding week. The juniors this year had little, to no preparation in comparison to last year. I think I did decent regardless. I am not confident however.
The hardest part of the ACT was the time restrictions. Each test I had a few questions left over when five minutes was called. It was not enough time honestly for any of the tests. If given more time, I think I would be able to excel on the exams. I struggled with mostly with the science and math sections. Complicated questions that took time did not compliment the amount of time given. Hopefully I did well enough to get into one of my desired colleges.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The American Dream

The american dream is what the person wants it to be. The american dream is when an individuals long term goal is achieved. Through hard work and dedication, one may achieve it the easy way, or the hard way.  My version of the american dream is finally being able to use my artistic talent in such a way that it sets me for life. I want to be able to draw for the rest of my life and enjoy what I do. I do not need money, fame, nor power. All I want to do for the rest of my life is enjoy myself and turn my hobby into a career.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Something I Can Do

Something I can do over the weekend is help feed the homeless on this holiday. Many people are homeless and have no where to go nor anything to eat. On Easter, I could help cook for them since they are less fortunate than I am. I will spend time with them and make it something they will not forget. I want them to make them feel special, to make them feel like they have a purpose. They may have not eaten in a few days. I want to make them feel like they have a place in the world.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Letter To Governor

Dear Governor Bentley,

I understand you are a very busy man and mostly likely will not get to this letter, but pardon me anyways. My name is Alex and I work at the after school daycare on the quarter. I spend most of my time there and afterwards at the Rainbow Club. I am fairly new to this part of town and have only met a few people who lived relatively close to my humble abode. The people of this town are quite lively and passionate about what they do, and I enjoy that immensely. Enough about myself, if you do not mind I'd like to talk about one of my close friends.

Jefferson was my first friend when I moved to the quarter. He had a childish personality but he was old enough for me to have a serious conversation with him. I met him when he was younger, he did not go to school but often attended the daycare. Miss Emma often brought him from the other side of town but I would still see him every day. Jefferson was like a younger brother to me, even maybe a son. He always felt indecisive though. It felt as if he was afraid to make a decision for himself.

I recently heard the news of Jefferson being in prison, awaiting execution. The neighbors said he killed a man. In all honesty, Jefferson is not capable to do such an act. Hell, he would not even know how or when to pull the trigger! He has never been able to make a decision on his own all his life, who would think that he could plan and act out a murder? Jefferson was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, he just had to be! He has too big of a heart and too childish of a mind to kill someone in a cold blood. Just give him a chance, let him live..please.

Sincerely, Alex

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Chapter 18 and 19 Quotations

Chapter 18 - Quotation 1 - Page 141
"I'm not doing any good up there, Vivian," I said. "Nothing is changing."

1. Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
This quote relates to the theme of pride. Grant's pride may be hurt after talking and meeting with Jefferson multiple times, it is still has not effected Jefferson's way of thinking.

2. Does this quotation indicate conflict? If so, what conflict?
This quote indicates internal conflict in Grant. He wants things to change in Jefferson and in his community in general, but despite of his actions nothing has changed as of yet.

Chapter 19 - Quotation 1 - Page 151
"She was right; I was not happy. I had heard the same carols all my life, seen the same little play, with the same mistakes in grammar. The minister had offered the same prayer as always, Christmas or Sunday. The same people wore the same old clothes and sat in the same places. Next year it would be the same, and the year after that, the same again. Vivian said things were changing. But where were they changing?"

1. Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
It relates to the theme of things in the community not changing for Grant. He has been seeing the same things all his life, he expected and wanted change, but yet he does not see where exactly has it changed.

2. Does this quotation indicate conflict? If so, what conflict?
This quotation indicates conflict between Grant and his community. Despite of his attempts, his community has not changed since his childhood. Vivian says that things are changing, however it does not appear that way in Grant's perspective.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Chapter 16 and 17 Quotations

Chapter 16 - Quotation 1 - Page 123
"The Lord don't hate you, Sister Emma," Reverend Ambrose said, touching her on the arm. "The Lord is with you this moment. He is only testing you."

1. Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
This quotation related to the theme of religious belief. It questions her belief and confidence that God will always be there for her. As of this moment, she thinks she is being punished and hated.

3. Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?
This quotation indicated internal conflict in Miss Emma. She does not know what she has done to be treated and lied to in such a manner by Jefferson and Grant.

Chapter 17 - Quotation 1 - Page 130
He needed me, and he wanted me here, if only to insult me. "Her old pussy ain't no good," he said.

1. Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
This quote does not specify if it related to a theme or not. In my opinion, it relates to the theme of Vivian being(or was) a whore. Referencing her cheating on her husband for Grant.

2. Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?
This quotation indicated conflict between Grant and Jefferson. Jefferson knows how Grant feels about Vivian and uses that information to hopefully enrage Grant and push on a further conflict so he can leave and possibly not ever come back.